Fitness Nutrition & Diet - Water Intake
The most commonly overlooked aspect of Fitness and Good Nutrition is the Importance of Water. Staying hydrated is essential, especially while you're exercising.
By the time you're thirsty, you are already hydrated. A good indication of being dehydrated is when you're irritable, sore, or if you experience muscle cramps after a particularly hard workout. To avoid this, stay hydrated. To stress the Importance of Water, here are some Facts about Your Body and Water:
- A male's body is made up of 60-65% water; A female's body is composed of 50-60% water.
- Your brain is made up of about 75% water.
- You can go for weeks without eating solid food; without water, you can only live for three to seven days.
- Water aids in digestion.
- Water helps protect the body's tissue and internal organs.
- Water helps regulate our body temperature and transport other nutrients, hormones and waste products.
- Drinking water eases muscle soreness after a training session.
- As you increase your level of activity, you need to increase your water intake to maintain proper hydration.
In a normal day, the average adult needs about 80 ounces of water to maintain water balance. However, many of us only drink half of that. We don't expect you to monitor how many ounces of water you consume. Still, an easy way to detect whether or not you are hydrated is by taking note of the color of urine. If you're well hydrated, it will be practically colorless (that is if you're not taking vitamins or under medication). If it's a concentrated yellow, start drinking up!
After you've learned the gravity of Monitoring your Calorie Intake, Differentiating Good Fats from Bad Fats, and Staying Hydrated, keep in mind that your nutritional needs will vary depending on your Fitness Goals. For a more specific health and dietary recommendations, you should consult your doctor or a registered dietician.